ABSTRACT The physicochemical properties (colour, pH, hardness, lump size, moisture content, loss on ignition (LOI) and specific gravity) of the Nigerian Bentonitic clay samples used for oil and gas drilling fluid formulation were investigated. The samples are generally light grey with brown stains on Garin Hamza, Bulabulin Maiduwa and Sabongarin Ngalda. Green and Yellow pigments were also observed on Pindiga Bentonite. Some samples such as Garin Hamza Futuk, Bulabulin Maiduwa and Sabongarin Ngalda are consolidated and slightly hard and brittle compared to Pindiga and Tongo Bentonite that are semi consolidated and soft. The moisture content of the fresh samples ranges from 9.49 to 59.77%.. While after drying the samples in an oven at 110oC for 48 hours, the moisture content drastically reduced with maximum of 12.30%.The LOI for all the Bentonitic clay samples ranges from 33.0 to 35.0 %.The pH for all the raw samples ranges from 6.18 to 6.40 contrary to standard 8.5-12.5 and the specific gravity of all the raw bentonites ranges from 2.25 to 2.56.