Abstract Since the industrial revolution, the world has not witnessed at a grand scale and at such a speed a revolution such as the digitalization of virtually every facet of human Endeavour. Through electronic governance, business with government is exceedingly facilitated rapidly and probably with less stress. Like globalization which affects countries and regions differently, so is electronic governance. As a mechanism of governance, its positive impact is enormous when viewed in relation to time, volume of materials transmitted, speed, accuracy etc. in fact, its unfolding transformation of the world is unspeakable. In this study positioned to explore the impact of e-governance in Nigeria vis-à-vis citizen participation and political leadership responsibility; primary data were used through structured Likert Scale Questionnaire. The survey research design covered different segment of society such as the civil servant, trader, teacher/lecturer, civil society, lawyer and students. The non-probability sampling method as well as the systematic random sampling method was used. Finally, the hypothesis was tested using non-parametric test, (Chi-Square) while the data was analyzed with the aid of statistical package for Social Sciences, 20.0 SPSS. From the Chi-Square, x^2= 21.34 P>0.05. It can be concluded that there exist an association between the citizen educations and application of e-governance; suggesting that e-governance will thrive better where citizens are educated. Furtherance in Nigerian type of society, from the Chi-Square Value (x^212.209 P>0.05, DF = 4). It was well appreciated that money spent on e-governance was not in any way a waste of resources.