Effect of Compaction, Moisture Content and Cow Dung on Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Penetration Resistance of a Sandy Loam Soils of Maiduguri

Abstract Hydraulic conductivity is one of the soil properties that determine the flow of water under hydraulic gradient. Laboratory experiment was conducted using soil samples collected from University of Maiduguri Teaching and Research farm to investigate the effect of compaction, moisture content and rate so organic matter incorporation on saturated hydraulic conductivity of a sandy loam soils. The organic matter used is cow dung at vary ingrates (2%, 4% and 6%) moisture content also were raised to 2%, 4% and 6% for compaction. The samples were subjected to four level so compaction (0, 5, 10 and 15 blows using proctor hammer). Thirty six (36) treatments were obtained and laid in a CRD. Penetration resistance was determined using penetrometer and saturated hydraulic conductivity was determined using falling head penetrometer method after compaction. The result of the study indicated that there is a great potential for using organic matter to alleviate the problem of soil compaction, more importantly, the use of cow dung which shows a significant effect on compaction with a maximum saturated hydraulic conductivity (1.8×10-3cm/s). Therefore, the use of cow dung at varying rates can amelio rate the effect of compaction on saturated hydraulic conductivity and penetration resistance.

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Updated: June 25, 2023 — 2:11 pm